If you’re living with serious jaw problems, the debilitating consequences can diminish your day-to-day life. Eating and speaking are painful and difficult. You have jaw and joint paint, sore facial muscles, and headaches. An unbalanced facial appearance, protruding jaw, or recessed chin make it a struggle to feel confident and attractive. The relieving news is that the solution to your chronic and sometimes complex functional and cosmetic issues can frequently be solved with corrective jaw surgery in Dallas, TX. If your jaw pain is keeping you from living a comfortable, functional, and confident life, it may be time to meet with an oral surgeon. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have spent years of additional education and residency experience outside of dental school to specialize in procedures like corrective jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery. Having achieved the highest level of surgical training in the dental field, they are the only dental specialists qualified to offer this treatment. Our oral surgeon at Live Oak Oral Surgery of Texas has years of experience completing these surgeries using minimally invasive techniques and innovative technologies to ensure predictable and lasting results. With such extensive training and wide-reaching clinical experience, rarely do any of our patients have conditions that fall out of the scope of our expertise. You’ll be in skilled hands by seeking treatment with our trusted surgical team in Dallas, TX.
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